Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I wish I was lying...

I was sitting in the living room,and Dyllan (2yo) fell asleep next to me on the couch. Well, my brother and his friends (remember they are all 14 or younger) came in, and preceded to light up a joint, right here in the kitchen.. I said, um, no, dyllan is sleeping right here, please go outside or in your room. (maybe not that nicely, but you get the point)
Well, my brother, being the dipshit that he is, decided to act cool in front of his girlfriends (3 boys and 2 girls were in the kitchen, not counting my brother) and started talking shit, saying stuff like it's his house, he was living here first, blah blah blah.
So I told him " Yeah I understand that, but we are only here for a few more days, I think you can hold out until then to smoke in the house (for those of you that don't know, dyllan has all kinds of health problems, one of them being severe asthma since the age of 9months, has used an enhaler since) . Well he said " That's bullshit, this is my house, and maybe you guys should go outside instead of putting me out, Dyllan isn't even sick, you guys just say that shit, and I NEVER hear him cough so your a lying bitch, and you and your kids need to move" So, I said " Yeah well I'm not lying, and if you think we are, I'll give you the bills for all of Dyllan's enhalers (I've had to buy 3 since June at $65 a pop)So then he started saying that my kids are "fucking nigger ass beaners" and that they are stupid.
He hurt me sooo bad, and I don't even think he understands WHAT he said, and why it hurt me so bad. I just walked away, and started crying =-(

I don't know what to do! I try telling my mom, and she just brushes it off... I can't stop crying!
I am NOT lying! I wish I was. noone in my family understands what it's like not being able to take my kids to the park all the time, because your afraid that Dyllan is going to get another infection. Noone understands that I can't just go anywhere, and do anything, because I don't know if someone is going to be smoking, and Dyllan will have an asthma attack.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Super Savage

I don't necessarily know how to write a blog, but I'm going to give it a shot!

I guess the first post should be about me! Since I am, of course, the super savage story teller!

My name is Ashley. I am 23 years old, and the mommy of 2 wonderfully crazy toddlers! Alexis is 3 years old. Her birthday is August 16th. Dyllan is 2 years old. His birthday is June 4th. I love them with everything I have.

I live in California, have my whole life. I love it! I never want to move.